If you require an appointment or wish to talk to a medical professional, please phone the surgery on 01388 817777 or alternatively, use eConsult.

Consultations with doctors are available by appointment between 8:30 am and 11:30 am and between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Consultations with ANPs and nurses are available with a mixture of pre-bookable and same day appointments between 8:30 am and 12:30 pm and between 2:30 pm and 6:00 pm Monday to Friday.
Please call 01388 817777 to make an appointment.
Standard appointments are for a maximum of 10 minutes. Please let the receptionist know if you will require a double appointment. Medicals or longer appointments will be by special arrangement.
You may choose to see any of the doctors or a practice nurse, subject to their availability - but see the tab above entitled Care Navigation. The receptionists will try to give you a convenient appointment with the doctor or nurse of your choice, but if unable to do so they will suggest an alternative time or another doctor or nurse who is available. Pre-bookable appointments are available with the doctor or nurse of your choice up to two weeks ahead.
If you need to see a doctor urgently, make this clear to reception and you will be added to the triage (call back) list.
If you have more than one problem to discuss, please tell the doctor this at the start of your appointment so that the most important problem can be dealt with first. If it is not possible to deal with several complex problems during a single consultation you may be asked to make a further appointment(s) to deal with less pressing issues.
We do try and run appointments to time but you will appreciate that we have no way of knowing in advance what problems will be presented during a surgery. Some problems do require immediate attention and may result in subsequent appointments running late. Your understanding when this happens is appreciated.
Updated: 19/03/2024
If your child is of school age, you will be able to obtain an appointment after school (during term time).
If your child is under five and you think their need is urgent, we will ensure that you have contact with a health care professional.
Telephone Appointments
Do you need to see the doctor or nurse or just talk to them?
If you think that your problem can be dealt with by phone without face-to-face contact, please call 01388 817777 and ask for a telephone appointment.
If a doctor or nurse is not available when you call, the receptionist will ask you for:
- your full name, address and date of birth
- contact telephone number on which to call you back
- brief details of illness or reason for your call
- times when it will be convenient to call you back
The receptionist will then arrange for a Doctor or Nurse to call you back at a mutually convenient time.
If the doctor or nurse feels you need to be seen, they will arrange a surgery appointment or home visit with you.
Telephone Advice
Telephone advice is available every day. If you feel that your problem can be dealt with over the telephone then we have GPs available Monday to Friday who will telephone you.
These appointments can also be used for medication queries and sick note requests. You can also request sick notes via eConsult either here or on the NHS App.
Updated: 05/07/2023
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason, please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.
Updated: 20/08/2021
Fit to Fly Letters
The practice does not issue fit to fly letters.
Updated: 05/07/2023