Image of a finger postWhat is Care Navigation

When you contact the Practice for an appointment you will speak to a Receptionist.  Our Receptionist have been specifically trained to provide “Care Navigation” locally which means we can improve access to appointments and can deal with your medical needs quickly and efficiently.

The receptionist will ask for a brief outline of why you’re contacting the Practice and will then be able to offer potential choices regarding appropriate services.  You may be provided with a choice in relation to an appropriate member of staff you can see within the Practice.  The choice may also involve an alternative service which can meet your needs for example:  community pharmacy, stopping smoking, Minor Eye Condition Service.

This is not clinical advice or triage.  It’s your choice, you do not have to accept the choice provided by the Receptionist and you can still request to see your GP if you wish.

Please be aware that if you do not accept the recommendation of the Receptionist or feel uncomfortable in giving a brief outline of why you’re contacting the Practice, the Receptionist is unable to book an appointment with a doctor.  They will ask the duty triage doctor to ring you to assess your requirements.

Our clinical staff now undertake some of the routine work previously undertaken by a doctor. 

Reviewed:  03/09/2022

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